Koma - A Text Adventure Mac OS

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(There's no video for MacSpeak yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

CocoaTADS is a port of the HTML TADS interpreter to Mac OS X. HTML TADS is a multimedia interactive-fiction platform, allowing you to play text adventure games (many of which can be found here), sort of like the Infocom games from the 1980s, except that HTML TADS allows not only text but also graphics, sound, and even animation. Dunnet is a surreal, cyberpunk text adventure written by Ron Schnell, based on a game he wrote in 1982. The name is derived from the first three letters of dungeon and the last three letters of Arpanet citation needed.It was first written in Maclisp for the DECSYSTEM-20, then ported to Emacs Lisp in 1992. Since 1994 the game has shipped with GNU Emacs; it also has been included with XEmacs.

So I've been recently rediscovering some.z5 games I used to play on the braillenote, and I was wondering what text adventure clients exist to let you play these games on the mac? The Z-machine is a virtual machine that was developed by Joel Berez and Marc Blank in 1979 and used by Infocom for its text adventure games.Infocom compiled game code to files containing Z-machine instructions (called story files or Z-code files) and could therefore port its text adventures to a new platform simply by writing a Z-machine implementation for that platform.

Koma - a text adventure mac os catalina

What is MacSpeak?

Hurry hurry heal me mac os. MacSpeak

An unusual cup of coffee mac os. This is the origonal speech synthsizer app that Steve Jobs used to make the mac 128k demo.

(PS: I can't belive how long it took to find this!)

MacSpeak.dsk(400 KiB / 409.6 KB)
MacSpeak / Mini vMac DSK boot disk file / DSK image
558 / 2017-03-10 / 2017-03-12 / c8958ac92cc58df97cef361383997a2cdb96c516 / /


Motorola 68K

So far, I only have the Mini vMac file. I will try to post the .sit file too! Water rain mac os.

Emulating this? Barony: blessed addition mac os. It should run fine under: Mini vMac

Koma - A Text Adventure Mac Os X

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